Well, I finished this 23 Things training. AT LAST!!!
Overall, I did learn a lot and got a better feel of the different tools available through the information highway.
My favorite was Thing 18 followed by Thing 12. My least favorite thing was Thing 15 (reality hurts!). Followed by all Things that had sites that I had to signup to use(I'm already swamped with passwords and usernames!!)
If you haven't done this training, do it. You may surprise yourself at learning something new or clarifying something that you may not have fully comprehended before.
As to the future, I need to take it upon myself to stay informed and up to date with the latest trends in technology. I may not purchase everything out there, but at least have an understanding of what it is, how it works and how the library may or may not benefit from the latest technology.
In summary, it was interesting, informative, and a little fun.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thing 22: Downloadable Audiobooks
I looked at Project Gutenburg and found out that they work with librivox and Literal Systems . Both ask for volunteers to read books. Thought that was an interesting idea! Who knows...? Maybe I'll volunteer to read a book...could be my new career! LOL!!
Seriously though, if you haven't downloaded an e book at least listen to a book on CD. Some of the readers are fantastic--they have wonderful accents. Once you begin, you may not go back to reading!
Seriously though, if you haven't downloaded an e book at least listen to a book on CD. Some of the readers are fantastic--they have wonderful accents. Once you begin, you may not go back to reading!
Thing 21: Podcasts
Podcasts are like radio programs: they can be music or talk or cominbation. The directory I looked at was podcast directory. It offers quite a range of topics. I found a few under BOOKS which offered podcasts of actual books..interesting.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thing 20: You Tube
I've been to this site before and it's true--there are LOTS of videos not worth watching. However, evey now and again you find some that cause you to chuckle or smile. Take a look at the most recently watched videos and decide for yourself.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thing 19: From Web 2.0 Award List- Im Cooked
Sooo many sites to choose from. I had been to quite a few sites but one that caught my eye was Im Cooked. Here, wannabe chefs video themselves cooking up their recipes. This is great for wannabe chefs to show other foodlovers what their cooking. Only downside, you have to join to get the recipe! I hate joining everysite! Too many passwords and usernames.
For those who like to shop one of a kind type things, try Etsy for handmade items to purchase or sell.
For those who like to shop one of a kind type things, try Etsy for handmade items to purchase or sell.
Thing 18: Online Word Processing
Zohowriter is fantastic! Didn't realize they also offer templates. Had to use the Leave Request template...summer is almost here!!

Leave Request Form
Employee Name:____Teenfiction2day___________________________________________________________________________________________
Employee Number:_____ABC123______________________________________Team:________Teen_____________________________________
Type of Leave Requested (Please tick on the appropriate option)
Duration of Leave
From Date:________5/21/10_________________________________ To Date:_____________5/22/10_____________________
Reason for Leave : (Optional)
I found that zoho writer also has templates--and a variety too! Excellent! Had to put in my leave request ;-)
I'm hoping to post this to my blog...wish me luck!
Note: You must submit request for leaves, other than sick leave, atleast two days earlier.
Employee Signature Teenfiction2day
Date 5/21/10

Leave Request Form
Leave Information
Employee Name:____Teenfiction2day___________________________________________________________________________________________
Employee Number:_____ABC123______________________________________Team:________Teen_____________________________________
Type of Leave Requested (Please tick on the appropriate option)
Duration of Leave
From Date:________5/21/10_________________________________ To Date:_____________5/22/10_____________________
Reason for Leave : (Optional)
I found that zoho writer also has templates--and a variety too! Excellent! Had to put in my leave request ;-)
I'm hoping to post this to my blog...wish me luck!
Note: You must submit request for leaves, other than sick leave, atleast two days earlier.
Employee Signature Teenfiction2day
Date 5/21/10
Manager Approval
Approved - Yes/No
Rejected - Yes/No
Manager Signature
Thing 17: Learning 2.0 Sandbox Wiki
Well this was a total disappointment. I tried unsuccessfully 3 times this week on different days to sign up on Sandbox. I've come across other blogs who were unsuccessful with this site-I'm glad I wasn't alone!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thing 16: Wikis
I've used wikis in the past and know how they're used. The concept is great IF you have a good established community. Meaning: a core group of people who will contribute on a regular basis. Otherwise, it will quickly fade. Having said that, I think that with a dedicated community, it would be great use for libraries and librarians. I think the book reviews and suggested readings for one, would be a great help to librarians as well as our customers. Actually, any type of pathfinder would be helpful--as long as it's kept current!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Thing 15: Future of Libraries & Librarians
I read a few articles on the future of libraries and librarians. In a nutshell, librarians need to change/adapt to new technologies so that these new tools of the trade will help with the original intent of this profession: getting information to a customer. As for the building itself, libraries may want to include a business model approach. Or at least "brand" or market itself to show not only the improtance of libraries but also how to use them (the various databases and such). Bottom line: change is here, change will continue. We need to adapt to survive. Unfortunately, traditional libraries are becoming a thing of the past. Digital librarians and libraries are becoming a thing of the future.
Thing 14: Technorati
So I looked over Technorati and found that people blog about EVERYTHING! You can find out which tags were the most used in the past month; you'll appreciate how to use tags to make your blog more visible in the blogosphere; you can search through a vast number of blogs regarding a specific topic; as well as advice to make your blog a the best it can be!
Very interesting site. To be honest, now that I know about it, I'll be going back to check it out often:)
Very interesting site. To be honest, now that I know about it, I'll be going back to check it out often:)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Thing 13: Del.icio.us
Well, the Del.icio.us tutorial, the Us.ef.ul: A Beginner's Guide to Del.icio.us, AND
Several Habits of Wildly Successful Del.icio.us Users were not available!! (Pages no longer exist). Could it be the number? This IS thing 13!!!! Oh, well...life goes on (thankfully!).
My comment is: I can't believe all of this technology stuff actually exists! It does make life on the Information Highway just a tad bit easier!
Several Habits of Wildly Successful Del.icio.us Users were not available!! (Pages no longer exist). Could it be the number? This IS thing 13!!!! Oh, well...life goes on (thankfully!).
My comment is: I can't believe all of this technology stuff actually exists! It does make life on the Information Highway just a tad bit easier!
Thing 12: Rollyo
This is great! I can see why anyone would want to create their own. Instead of searching a few search engines (one at a time), you can set it up so that you search them all at the same time. Whether for work or for personal use, it's a wonderful idea and very easy to set up. I created a rollyo about crafts. I may go back and edit some sites...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Thing 11: Library Thing
Signed up on Library Thing which I've seen before and think it's great to keep track of what you've read or what you want to read. (It's so true: Sooo many books! Sooo little time!)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Thing 10: Online Image Generator
Had fun with this one! Looked at quite a few image generators and this one caught my eye. Why? Because you can customize the pictures and even send it as an e-card. I wrote what I'm feeling now that it's getting close to summer and I can't wait to go on vacation. Wish I were there NOW:)
It's on letterjames.com. Enjoy!
It's on letterjames.com. Enjoy!
Thing 9: Library related Blogs/News Feeds
Checked out Merlin. Very interesting. The calendar is very useful: it contains all shared statewide training events. Tried to sign on to the RSS but kept getting a window with this message: "Internet Explorer Cannot Display This Feed." Will try again in a day or two. Hope to have better luck then!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Thing 8: RSS & Bloglines
Just looked over some RSS feeds and signed up for some bloglines. Very interesting! I like the fact that you can get all the latest in one place--like one stop shopping! It's quick and easy and I can see why online businesses would offer it. It's an easy way to get the word out on what's new to your customers. And as a customer, it's an easy way to see what's new & interesting without having to go to each individual business that's of interest.
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